What goes through your head when your shooting?

I like to try to capture photographs that have some feeling,  without over directing the models. Directing people can result in a stiff looking photographs, as people don’t do what’s natural. I’m more into looking at what’s happening in front of the lens than talking all the time. Talking can interfere with looking, the next thing you know you stop noticing the details or the camera settings! I keep a light easy going attitude, it’s less intimidating for the models even if they are professional models.
On a recent job we had a father situated in front of a castle with his son on his back. I had to watch out for the castle appearing out of his head and at same time keep them close to it for composition as a big gap would look as bad as anything .Because I had them moving toward camera we had to progressively move camera backwards to maintain the space and correct depth of focus in the shot ( it’s not easy). In very changeable light the exposures were changing all the time but I tried to maintain an f stop that would keep the castle part out of focus to give the shot depth and hide the fact that it was an empty grounds. I had to watch the child’s head drop because his hair would cover his face, while keeping some interaction between the two characters. I had to watch the toy the child had in his hand as it was coming in over the fathers face. We (the Photographic team + client + agency) had to try get a shot where both of them looked happy, however it was an uncomfortable, cold and windy April day . Then we had to think about where the space for type would go in the ad and how it would work for both portrait and landscape ads. All these elements need to work within the one shot and that’s the challenge of advertising photography.I don’t go in for much retouching, or Photoshop fix it later attitude. I like to get a shot that looks real, believable and that for me is often the most convincing.
Another thing that is often forgotten is not a technical one but a feeling. I have to be aware of my instincts, a gut feeling that the shot is working or not. It’s all about about problem solving on the go, but with a team of good Art Directors, Stylists and Assistants, it makes the job a lot easier and enjoyable.

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